The iPhone X is the newest flagship phone from Apple. It comes with twin optically stabilized 12MP rear cameras, a 7MP front-facing camera with 'TrueDepth' technology, artificial background blur and specialized lighting effects, DNG Raw file capture, and of course is otherwise a highly capable and extremely speedy mobile device.
And it should be, given the asking price: at an MSRP of $999, the iPhone X (pronounced iPhone Ten, which I'll admit I'm still getting used to) is priced comfortably higher than many of its current competitors that also come with an emphasis on photographic prowess.
Out-of-camera JPEG in HDR mode.
ISO 20 | 1/229 sec | F1.8Photo by Carey Rose
As with just about every modern high-end smartphone, the results of the picture-taking process on the iPhone are as much about clever software tricks as they are about the hardware. With the software and hardware combined, does the iPhone X truly offer image quality comparable to so-called 'real cameras?' Is artificial background blur driving the final nails into the interchangeable-lens camera coffin?
Of course, the answer isn't all that simple, and depends an awful lot on the preferences of the user behind the lens. But let's dive in and take a look at what Apple's latest smartphone shooter is capable of.
Key Photographic / Video Specifications
- Dual 12MP sensors
- 28/56mm equivalent focal lengths
- F1.8/2.4 aperture
- On-sensor phase detection
- Quad-LED flash
- DNG Raw capture and manual control with 3rd party apps
- 4K video at 60 fps
- 1080p 120/240fps slow-motion video
- 7MP front-facing 'TrueDepth' camera with F2.2 aperture
Other Specifications
- 5.8-inch, 2436x1125 OLED
- Apple A11 Fusion chipset
- 64/256GB storage
- 2,716mAh battery
- Wireless charging (Qi compatible)
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